Energy Solutions Professionals EnergyESP- Logo

energy efficiency | simply™

Our Process


ESP takes a holistic approach to evaluating and recommending energy-saving improvements that cover all aspects of how your buildings use energy; including energy supply, facilities and systems, and human behavior. These are some of the typical solutions we evaluate:

  • Boiler Plant

    The most common boiler types are steam and hot water, but boilers can come in a multitude of configurations, sizes, and fuel types.

  • Building Envelope

    Air infiltration is a significant source of heat loss and heat gain in buildings and results in higher energy consumption to compensate for the additional heating and cooling loads.

  • Chilled Water/Hot Water/Steam Distribution Systems

    Chilled water, hot water and steam distribution systems often provide numerous opportunities for utility savings due to the energy losses that can occur in these systems.

  • Chiller Plant

    New technology in recent years has improved chiller efficiencies across all types of chiller systems.

  • Conservation Training

    When attempting to save energy, how building occupants use energy within a building, and how they operate the building, are just as important as the building equipment and systems.

  • Controls

    Adding controls or enhancing existing controls provides significant opportunities for saving energy, especially energy that is being used when it is not needed.

  • Heating/Ventilating/Air Conditioning (HVAC)

    The efficiencies of new HVAC systems far exceed equipment from even a decade ago.

  • Lighting

    Using the latest technologies, savings from lighting can often be up to 45% or more compared to older fluorescent technologies, and upwards of 70%-90% compared to incandescent lamps.

  • Motors/Pumps/Drives

    Constant volume systems operate at the level of their peak design, meaning they provide the same amount of air or fluid regardless of the heating or cooling load.

  • Plug-Load Reductions

    Electrical plug loads (computers, monitors, printers, copiers, projectors, televisions, audio equipment, chargers, task lights, computer speakers, space heaters, etc.)

  • Process Improvements

    Specialized processes can be major energy consumers, and sources of cost, in many commercial and industrial environments.

  • Refrigeration

    Whether they are small individual units or large commercial/industrial units, refrigeration equipment typically runs year round to keep perishable items from spoiling.

  • Renewable Energy

    Renewable energy systems take advantage of natural energy sources that are constantly and sustainably replenished, such as the sun, wind, or the earth.

  • Retro-commissioning

    Retro-commissioning is the process of evaluating the specific components of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, building automation and other energy-consuming systems to determine if they are functioning correctly, and subsequently correcting any deficiencies that are found.

  • Utilities/Supply-Side

    Utility costs can be saved on the supply side so that the amount you pay per unit of energy is minimized, which can have a significant impact on your overall utility costs.

  • Water and Sewer Conservation

    New plumbing technologies provide excellent functionality while utilizing less water than older systems.