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Tim O'Kane January 14, 2022 Press Release

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Newton USD 373 Lighting Upgrades Near Completion

Installation crews are hard at work replacing the old, less-efficient lighting throughout the Newton School District with new LED lamps and fixtures that save energy, reduce maintenance costs and improve light levels. Crews have completed the new lighting in 15 of the 19 buildings being addressed. When finished, over 10,500 lighting fixtures will have been upgraded, saving the district nearly $165,000 annually and 1.7 million kilowatt hours of electricity, which is equivalent to 219 homes’ electricity use for one year.

"Being able to save our district these dollars while also improving the quality of life in our buildings is incredible," stated Carly Stavola, director of communications, Newton Public Schools.

The lighting improvements are just part of a holistic project the district is undertaking to reduce utility costs and leverage those savings to pay for new equipment. The district has tasked Energy Solutions Professionals (ESP) with developing a comprehensive list of energy-saving opportunities and facility upgrades covering everything from heating and cooling, lighting, and building controls, to insulation, doors, roofs, and plumbing.

ESP is also developing solutions to improve indoor air quality (IAQ) in order to better protect students, staff and patrons from mold, particles that can aggravate asthma, and viruses known to cause illnesses such as COVID-19 and its variants.

“Not only is the district being good stewards of taxpayer dollars by using energy savings and federal funding to pay for these improvements, but they’re having a hugely positive impact on the learning environment as well as the health, safety and comfort of students and teachers,” stated Jeff Flathman, president of Energy Solutions Professionals.
